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MVC Ejection - South Bowers road

Friday, July 6, 2018
In the early morning hours of Sunday March 6,2016 at 01:18 hours(Station 57) South Bowers, (Station 49) Frederica, Sussex county medic 101, (ambulance 42)carlisle, trooper 2 (Delaware state police aviation) was alerted for a mvc rollover with ejection in the area of 2987 South Bowers road. minutes later 57-15 (Chief B.Johnson) advised kent center he was making a response (pov). Rescue Engine 57-1 responded with a full crew under the direction of assist. chief (Rivera).Engine 57-5 with a crew of 3 w/17 (assist chief harvey). Brush 57-01 with assist chief (Stephen Webb). Kent center advised there was a report of possibly 3 pts, with 2 subjects being ejected from the vehicle. With the amount of traffic coming from the beach area (Chief B.Johnson) advised fire police to shut the road down at Mosley road and south bowers road. Moments later 57-15 (Chief B.Johnson) arrived on scene as reported with 1 vehicle off the roadway and multiple subjects laying next to the vehicle. 57-15 established south bowers road command and advised Rescue engine 57-1 to pull behind his vehicle light up the scene, and send the manpower up to assist with pt care. Rescue 49 (frederica) followed up behind engine 1 and assisted with the same. 57-15 canceled aviation per als on scene, b49(frederica) ambulance 42(carlisle) transported 2 pts to mmh. 45 minutes after being on scene a third patient walked up, Assist .Chief Rivera requested a 3rd bls unit. Chief B.Johnson placed the situation under control and returned all units when ready. Dsp was also on scene for a extended period of time.

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